Friday, July 15, 2011

Meeting at CII Chennai on Corruption

It so happened, I was in Chennai on 12 July 2011 and happen to participate in the discussion on Corruption Free India!

It was an occasion to meet many individuals who are possessed of this idea. Representative of Indians Against Corruption and members of 5th Pillar made a mark. I personally, could discuss and present my viewpoint of the whole thing. I could see some of them were impressed and seem to spend a thought or two on my proactive theory rather than reactive response to any of the problems that this country is facing including corruption.

I had a reasonably long chat with Mr Vijay Anand, the President of 5th Pillar. We thought there are many common interests, naturally, between India Tax Payers and 5th Pillar. We should try and work together. That should synergize our efforts to a great extent.

The solutions offered at CII otherwise were more in the line of implement stricter rules and make things tougher for the corrupt person to lead a life. At the same time, we had positive notes coming up from Shankar Vanavarayar and from other speakers particularly, TT Ashok on the strengths of our Industry and people of country to fight this evil out from individual level to the country level. Bottom up system!

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