Thursday, February 3, 2011

Mudumalai trip continued - Visit of the panther

The moon had climbed almost to 40 degrees. It was a full moon day. That was lucky and the forest was lit with moon light and its faint glow.
When we started waiting, we were very talkative. I kept telling my kids that they need to maintain silence because in the night sound travels very far. And these animals have their ears to the ground. Even the smallest sound they pick up and they may not come.
By around 1100pm we fell silent. This was because the kids have started dozing off. The forest was silent. I soon found that I was the only one awake and the rest are asleep or pretending to be asleep.
I felt something was moving close to the guest house. Dark objects! Panther should not appear dark. I had the experience of watching a panther in the night once in TopSlip. So I looked it up carefully. It was those two wild boars that we met in the evening. They were walking up to the guest house. Grunted and then climbed the steps of the guest house and started walking in the corridor.
it should have been 11 15 to 11 20.
I heard a distant monkey chirp. Then there was one more monkey chirping a little closer. And a distinctly very close one chirping too. I maintained silence in anticipation. Monkeys don't chirp in the dead of the night for nothing.
The wild boars silently looked up and walked away into the thick of the forest. They just vanished. I knew something is happening and I could hear my heart pounding. All the rooms in the guest house were locked. all the lights were off except for a dim light in the reception and one in the front of the house.
The moon had climbed further up. The forest was glowing in the dim light of the moon. I could hear the murmur of the water in the Moyar. There was no wind; not even a breeze. But the chillness of the mountains was palpable.
When it came, it was sudden and surprising. In the moonlight it was really majestic. A big cat is an wonder to watch.
The bridge where the panther came up from the other end.
From no where it appeared on the opposite side of the bridge. Should have come from the thickets. But for the bridge, I would not be seeing it now. I wanted to wake these people up. But the cat was moving. I goaded my wife. But all that she could do is murmur and move back into the slumber she was in.
Cats don't give their darshan for too long!
View of the guest house from the bridge. (I was not standing there when the panther came up!!)
It strolled majestically. No sound anywhere as it walked to the centre of the bridge. Stopped and looked up. 
Nowhere in my direction but right along the waters way. Then looked towards the forest again. Walked carefully with no big hurry and moved away from the guest house. 
Which animal is going to be its dinner, I wouldn't know. I only wished that those two wild boars would escape its dinner table.
When I hit the bed it was about 11 35pm. I was tired and wanted a sleep badly. Tomorrow morning, we are going on a safari and late in the afternoon should start our journey back.
I plan to stop my travelogue on Mudumalai here, though the safari was interesting and some of the photos from the safari I have loaded on my Mudumalai album. Pl do take a look. Your comments motivate me! Do let me know whether you liked this series. 

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