Thursday, January 13, 2011

Justice Denied

One more of those not so thoughtful words from our top judicial executive!

He calls a class of women ‘keeps’. Good Lord! Women are not as voiceless as the puny backward classes of the country. They can raise noise. No doubt! But still he has not smirched even a bit. He continues to lead his life of isolated comfort as he did earlier.

Once when the Nobel Laureate, Mr… said, ‘once a person gets a Nobel, people think that he has an answer to everything in the world. They think he knows sociology, history and geography as much physics and chemistry’. It is the vice-versa with most of our Judicial and top administrative folks.

Nobody thinks they know anything about any subject including their own law. That possibly is the reason why they need a lawyer to help them point out what law is in every case. Else why do we employ two lawyers for every case; Judges can look up the case and provide judgment according to the law of the land. Where is the need for the lawyer to plead?

But, they themselves think, that they knew everything about everything. Be it, Solar Energy or Astronomical sciences, they will have an answer to everything.

They want to be the chairmen of Electricity boards and plan for the country’s future power sources. They head the film societies and decide what our children should see at the end of the week. They are the arm chair judges and pass judgments even before the judge decides what the issue is. So is the case with our judiciary too!

They never seem to realize that the world around them is not built by one man. It is a society of many diversified knowledge. It is this society that is supporting him too! He is being paid not for what he is inventing or manufacturing or servicing but for the order he is helping people to maintain. It is also a service to the public.

Is ‘keep’ a good word? Fit to be mentioned in public registered document such as a Supreme Court judgment?  Who would sit judging this?

Our judges know everything in this world. They can talk of history of caste systems and certify for the public consumption that Caste system is for the good of India. They can sit on judgments concerning women and call those who fall in love beyond the wall of marriage as ‘keep’. They may do so when their daughters do that.

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